Please tell us, Do you have three meals a day?
A. Yes, I have this
B. Don’t have, can’t afford
C. Don’t have, don’t want
D. Don’t have for another reason
Please tell us the other reason why you do not have three meals a day
1,371 responded out of 1,467 polled
Do you have two pairs of fitting shoes including a pair of all-weather shoes?
A. Yes B. Don't have, can’t afford C. Don't have, don’t want D. Don't have for another reason
What are the other reasons you do not have two pairs of shoes?
992 responded out of 1,043 polled
Do you have toiletries (soap, toothpaste, comb) to be able to wash everyday? A. Yes B. Don't have, can’t afford C. Don't have, don’t want D. Don't have for another reason
Please tell us the other reason why you do not have toiletries to wash everyday
662 responded out of 699 polled
Are you able to visit a health facility when ill and get all the medication prescribed to treat the illness?
A. Yes B. Not able, can’t afford C. Not able, don’t want D. Not able for another reason
What are the other reasons you are not able to replace worn out clothes?
1,152 responded out of 1,186 polled
Are you able to celebrate on special occasions like Christmas, Eid, etc?
A. Yes
B. Not able, can’t afford
C. Not able, don’t want
D. Not able for another reason
Please share with us the other reasons why you are not able to celebrate on special days
1,157 responded out of 1,198 polled
Thank you for sharing your opinion which will be used by the Uganda government to review, report on and work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).