Please tell us, What groups are most excluded from full, productive and decent work within the food systems activities and related sectors?
9,004 responded out of 68,146 polled
What are the reasons why they are left out?
7,763 responded out of 9,113 polled
What should be done to ensure that these groups are integrated and get opportunities for full and productive employment and decent work within the food systems and other sectors?
6,608 responded out of 7,782 polled
Who should be responsible in ensuring that these groups are integrated & get opportunities for full/productive employment & decent work?
6,106 responded out of 6,624 polled
What challenges hinder smallholder farmers particularly youth, women, vulnerable & marginalized from making a sustainable living/livelihoods from agriculture?
5,681 responded out of 6,115 polled
What should be done to address these challenges to enable smallholder farmers benefit from the food system thru increased productivity & incomes improved food security and nutrition?
5,106 responded out of 5,689 polled
What are some of the good practices and models that can transform smallholders from subsistence to commercial agriculture?
4,570 responded out of 5,114 polled
What interventions and reforms should Government undertake to transform subsistence into commercial agriculture?
4,163 responded out of 4,576 polled
What risks do the poorest, vulnerable and marginalized groups face in their pursuit of improved food security and nutrition and means of earning decent living?
3,787 responded out of 4,169 polled
What ability/capacity of people, households, communities and agricultural systems is necessary to mitigate, adapt and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces their risks?
3,310 responded out of 3,789 polled
What interventions should government take to reduce the risks faced by the poorest, most vulnerable and marginalized groups in Uganda?
3,050 responded out of 3,311 polled
Thank you for participating, please tell your friends that they can also participate in this survey by typing the word FSS4 and send it to 8500.
Please stay tuned for the next last set of questions coming up next week.
Nice Day!