Why not?
a. Distrust all vaccines
b. Distrust HPV vaccine
c. Side effects
d. HPV not an issue for me
e. Sensitive issue
f. Safety concern
g. Other
h. My parent/caregiver refused
From where do you want to receive HPV info?
You can select more than one option
a. Government
b. Doctors/health workers
c. School
d. Home
e. Social media
f. Influencers
What could young people do to influence governments regarding HPV vaccines? Your voice matters.
1,694 responded out of 2,492 polled
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! Your insights are crucial for us to improve our advocacy and better support young people like you.
To learn more about HPV text "hpvmenu" to https://wa.me/+256709168500?text=hpvmenu OR type 1 to get started!